Focus on the future: IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 unveils Keyvisual - Experience the pioneering spirit
IAA TRANSPORTATION will be the global meeting place for experts, visionaries and decision-makers from the transport and logistics industry in September 2024

22 Mart 2024 Cuma 16:38
Keyvisual of IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 shows the dynamics of the mobility industry – Berlin agency DANGEROUS. developed the concept
"Meet the pioneers of transformation" – with this promise and a vibrant new Keyvisual, the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) announces IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024. From September 17th to 22nd, Hannover will transform into the hub of innovative mobility solutions, sustainable transport concepts, and groundbreaking technologies for the commercial vehicle, transport, and logistics sectors.
The concept development is credited to the Berlin-based agency DANGEROUS., which opted for a bustling scene to vividly depict the complexity and diversity of the transport and logistics sector.
The format allows for illustrating the complex and interconnected world of mobility and transportation in a lively and detailed manner. At its core is a diverse selection of vehicles representing the mobility of the future and sustainable transport solutions – from efficient trucks and trailers to innovative delivery drones and advanced passenger transporters, vans, and cargo bikes. These vehicles are not isolated but embedded in a dynamic scenery that also encompasses the necessary infrastructures for operation, maintenance, and charging or refueling of the vehicles. Thus, the image captures not only the diversity of vehicles but also the essential aspects of infrastructure necessary for comprehensive mobility solutions.
The rich detail and integration of various elements of transport and logistics in the bustling scene allow viewers to discover new aspects continually and grasp the depth of the presented solutions. The image invites comprehensive engagement with the presented themes and encourages recognizing the connections between different aspects of mobility and transport solutions.
Jürgen Mindel, Managing Director responsible for IAA at the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), emphasized the importance of the new motif and sub-claim: "The Keyvisual and the sub-claim 'Meet the pioneers of transformation,' creatively executed by DANGEROUS., ideally embody the spirit of IAA TRANSPORTATION. They illustrate the diversity and innovation necessary to drive the mobility of the future and sustainable transport forward. They motivate collective action to successfully tackle the challenges of our industry."
Keyvisual Offers First Taste of Diverse Visitor Offerings
The newly unveiled Keyvisual of IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 showcases the dynamics of the mobility sector: Interactive experiences, the opportunity to experience the latest vehicles and technologies through test drives, and a deeper insight into the latest technological developments in mobility. IAA TRANSPORTATION reaffirms its status as the international leading platform advancing discussions on the mobility of tomorrow – from sustainable solutions to the latest infrastructural developments and technological achievements. Once again, IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 extends far beyond traditional vehicle and product presentations, providing a stage for pioneers from various mobility segments – whether in commercial vehicles, micromobility, or the manufacturers and decision-makers behind the scenes, from suppliers to manufacturers to startups shaping the market of tomorrow.
IAA TRANSPORTATION also offers various formats. The IAA Conference provides a unique opportunity to discuss the social, technical, and economic facets of global transport solutions, while the Startup Area serves as an incubator for forward-thinking ideas and networking. The IAA Experience invites experiencing emission-free vehicle innovations up close on specially secured routes as well as in public spaces, complemented by the opportunity to test the latest models on the cargo bike course. The offerings are rounded off by guided tours and extensive networking opportunities, providing deep insights into the diverse world of the transport and logistics industry. Over the weekend, the organizers plan a special experience world for families and drivers.
Tim Benedict Wegner, Head of IAA Communication, adds: "Our new Keyvisual and sub-claim aim to highlight the complexity and diversity of the transport and logistics industry. They represent a vision for a sustainable future and encourage active participation in these exciting developments. The bustling scene reflects the dynamism and innovation that establish IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 as the central platform for our industry. I would also like to emphasize the ease of adaptability of the motif."
From September 17th to 22nd, 2024, Hannover will be the global meeting point for professionals, visionaries, and decision-makers from the transport and logistics industry. The press day will take place the day before, on September 16th. Become part of this transformation – visit us at IAA TRANSPORTATION 2024 to meet the pioneers of transformation and shape the future of mobility.
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